Высокая корреляция темпа и напряжения
Hiroshi Nagasaki (National Institute of Employment and Vocational Research, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164)
An experimental study of the mental tempo: The tapping-pressure
The purpose of this investigation was to test a hypothesis that the speed is a primary index representing the mental tempo. Each subject was asked to do finger tapping in a comfortable way, and both tapping speed and tapping pressure were measured with Tapping-Pressure-Apparatus. A positive high correlation (r=.589) was found between these indices. It would seem that the above hypothesis was supported, and that the constancy of the mental tempo found in the past experiments may be explained by this finding.
Key words: mental tempo, personal tempo, psychomoter tempo, expressive movements, tapping pressure, finger tapping, congenial way, option experiment.
The Japanese Journal of Psychology 1982, Vol. 52, No. 6, 351-354